Garricks Head (Tue), Flixton
Venue League Table
North West Region » Manchester League » Flixton
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Garricks Head (Tue) in Flixton has played 16 games this season. At the end of this season (provided the minimum amount of games have been played) the Top 25% of players (up to a maximum of 15) qualify for a National Final qualifier. Please make sure that your name on the league table is correct as you will be asked to prove who you are at our Final events. One letter surnames or just nicknames cannot be verified and you may not be allowed to register.
Player | # | Played | Ave. | Total | |
1 | Ryan Whitehead | 1020355 | 16 | 453 | 7252 |
2 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin | 237237 | 16 | 393 | 6286 |
3 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford | 73355871 | 16 | 383 | 6130 |
4 | Aaron Mottershead | 357559 | 16 | 341 | 5462 |
5 | Simon Holt | 1020354 | 16 | 339 | 5428 |
6 | Mike Murray | 1019326 | 13 | 342 | 4442 |
7 | Joe Farrell | 73371512 | 14 | 272 | 3812 |
8 | Margaret Bagnall | 1017598 | 16 | 224 | 3582 |
9 | Steven Fothergill | 1019165 | 16 | 219 | 3498 |
10 | Paul 'GrandstandFinish' Lally | 705752 | 13 | 268 | 3482 |
11 | Brian 'Turbo' Giblin | 73357298 | 15 | 223 | 3352 |
12 | Michelle Tang | 1020784 | 16 | 194 | 3108 |
13 | Alli 'The Animal' Keetley | 725072 | 13 | 232 | 3012 |
14 | Glyn Parker | 1002621 | 16 | 180 | 2872 |
15 | Kevin 'Jd' Statham | 73365114 | 14 | 195 | 2730 |
16 | Ged Carter | 73373651 | 4 | 628 | 2510 |
17 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly | 1009351 | 13 | 186 | 2414 |
18 | Mike 'riveroney' Moroney | 1008116 | 16 | 132 | 2104 |
19 | Dave 'Stubborn Twatt' Franklin | 695344 | 8 | 251 | 2008 |
20 | James 'Jimmy B' Bailey | 73373642 | 8 | 234 | 1870 |
21 | Garry Lee | 1019729 | 11 | 165 | 1810 |
22 | Daniel 'danny' Matthews | 1009342 | 7 | 254 | 1780 |
23 | Idris Kanwar | 73372923 | 5 | 330 | 1650 |
24 | Cordelia Giblin | 73365660 | 7 | 182 | 1272 |
25 | Kieran Gates | 73362643 | 1 | 480 | 480 |
26 | Gary Hitchen | 234210 | 2 | 235 | 470 |
27 | Kamil Antoniuk | 73372022 | 1 | 470 | 470 |
28 | Justyna Trzcinska | 73372651 | 1 | 426 | 426 |
29 | Adam Cyman | 73371848 | 1 | 408 | 408 |
30 | George Beresford | 73370618 | 1 | 408 | 408 |
31 | Dave 'Texas' Holden | 2410 | 1 | 338 | 338 |
32 | Emile 'The Deal' Rio | 2379 | 1 | 294 | 294 |
33 | Dean Ferris | 73372649 | 3 | 80 | 240 |
34 | Sebastian Krause | 73371795 | 1 | 240 | 240 |
35 | Michael Sharkey | 1023979 | 2 | 80 | 160 |
36 | John Yewdale | 73372553 | 2 | 80 | 160 |
37 | Luke Fraser | 1019411 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
38 | Phil 'Flamingo' Shaw | 1009350 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
39 | Paul Politi | 705748 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
40 | Annabel 'Annie' Beresford | 73358780 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
41 | Dave 'Mr Wick' Pollock | 693430 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
42 | Danny 'Downi' Elliot | 1013049 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
43 | alan mckenna | 73374547 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
44 | Mark Turner | 73374692 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
45 | John 'Smart Mac' McGrory | 692324 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
46 | josh Yewdale | 73372552 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
47 | Dominic Krzanowski | 73371798 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
To view this season's results for individual events at this venue, please select the event start date below:
Date | Time | Players | Winner |
03 September 2024 | 20:00 | 25 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford |
10 September 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Aaron Mottershead |
17 September 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Idris Kanwar |
24 September 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Ryan Whitehead |
01 October 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Margaret Bagnall |
08 October 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford |
15 October 2024 | 20:00 | 18 | Michelle Tang |
22 October 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Joe Farrell |
29 October 2024 | 20:00 | 25 | Ryan Whitehead |
05 November 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Ryan Whitehead |
12 November 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Paul 'GrandstandFinish' Lally |
19 November 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Steven Fothergill |
26 November 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin |
03 December 2024 | 20:00 | 20 | Paul 'GrandstandFinish' Lally |
10 December 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin |
17 December 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Ged Carter |
Garricks Head (Tue) in Flixton played 17 games this season. At the end of the season (provided a minimum of 6 games have been played) the Top 25% of players (up to a maximum of 15) qualify for an end of season Final. Please make sure that your name on the league table is correct as you will be asked to prove who you are at the Regional and National Events. One letter surnames or just nicknames cannot be verified and you may not be allowed to register.
Player | # | Played | Ave. | Total | |
1 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin | 237237 | 13 | 516 | 6708 |
2 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly | 1009351 | 16 | 392 | 6270 |
3 | Steven Fothergill | 1019165 | 12 | 441 | 5288 |
4 | James 'Jimmy B' Bailey | 73373642 | 13 | 380 | 4942 |
5 | Ryan Whitehead | 1020355 | 17 | 285 | 4846 |
6 | John Yewdale | 73372553 | 14 | 327 | 4576 |
7 | Simon Holt | 1020354 | 15 | 293 | 4400 |
8 | Michelle Tang | 1020784 | 15 | 292 | 4386 |
9 | Margaret Bagnall | 1017598 | 15 | 283 | 4252 |
10 | Garry Lee | 1019729 | 15 | 280 | 4200 |
11 | Mike 'riveroney' Moroney | 1008116 | 16 | 262 | 4186 |
12 | Alli 'The Animal' Keetley | 725072 | 15 | 265 | 3970 |
13 | josh Yewdale | 73372552 | 17 | 223 | 3784 |
14 | Joe Farrell | 73371512 | 17 | 214 | 3638 |
15 | Dave 'Stubborn Twatt' Franklin | 695344 | 14 | 239 | 3350 |
16 | Glyn Parker | 1002621 | 14 | 227 | 3182 |
17 | Kevin 'Jd' Statham | 73365114 | 13 | 217 | 2816 |
18 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford | 73355871 | 14 | 164 | 2298 |
19 | Brian 'Turbo' Giblin | 73357298 | 7 | 317 | 2220 |
20 | Daniel 'danny' Matthews | 1009342 | 10 | 209 | 2088 |
21 | Paul 'GrandstandFinish' Lally | 705752 | 11 | 154 | 1698 |
22 | Paul Politi | 705748 | 7 | 232 | 1622 |
23 | Mike Murray | 1019326 | 12 | 135 | 1618 |
24 | Aaron Mottershead | 357559 | 5 | 246 | 1230 |
25 | Dean Ferris | 73372649 | 9 | 104 | 936 |
26 | Ged Carter | 73373651 | 5 | 166 | 832 |
27 | Charlie Boswell | 73372396 | 6 | 105 | 630 |
28 | Mike 'Random' Leeming | 73365115 | 1 | 550 | 550 |
29 | Amrik '"In your head"' Gill | 73358348 | 1 | 490 | 490 |
30 | Sam 'Sammy G' Gandy | 715119 | 1 | 470 | 470 |
31 | Gary Hitchen | 234210 | 1 | 450 | 450 |
32 | sean wong | 73374546 | 1 | 408 | 408 |
33 | Matt 'Mini' Lawrance | 1015513 | 5 | 80 | 400 |
34 | Sebastian Krause | 73371795 | 1 | 306 | 306 |
35 | Kamil Antoniuk | 73372022 | 2 | 80 | 160 |
36 | Chris Head | 73374131 | 2 | 80 | 160 |
37 | Adam Cyman | 73371848 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
38 | Allen McKenna | 1020288 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
39 | Leon Walts | 73374132 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
40 | Mike Wardle | 1020291 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
41 | Martin Ivison | 1020779 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
42 | John 'Smart Mac' McGrory | 692324 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
43 | Josh Thomas | 1019328 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
44 | Ruth Denton | 73372591 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
To view this season's results for individual events at this venue, please select the event start date below:
Date | Time | Players | Winner |
07 May 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Garry Lee |
14 May 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | James 'Jimmy B' Bailey |
21 May 2024 | 20:00 | 20 | josh Yewdale |
28 May 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin |
04 June 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin |
11 June 2024 | 20:00 | 23 | Steven Fothergill |
18 June 2024 | 20:00 | 20 | Garry Lee |
25 June 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Steven Fothergill |
02 July 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly |
09 July 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly |
16 July 2024 | 20:00 | 23 | Mike 'riveroney' Moroney |
23 July 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Margaret Bagnall |
30 July 2024 | 20:00 | 23 | Brian 'Turbo' Giblin |
06 August 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Kevin 'Jd' Statham |
13 August 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Joe Farrell |
20 August 2024 | 20:00 | 21 | Dave 'Stubborn Twatt' Franklin |
27 August 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin |
Garricks Head (Tue) in Flixton played 18 games this season. At the end of the season (provided a minimum of 6 games have been played) the Top 25% of players (up to a maximum of 15) qualify for an end of season Final. Please make sure that your name on the league table is correct as you will be asked to prove who you are at the Regional and National Events. One letter surnames or just nicknames cannot be verified and you may not be allowed to register.
Player | # | Played | Ave. | Total | |
1 | Daniel 'danny' Matthews | 1009342 | 15 | 478 | 7174 |
2 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly | 1009351 | 16 | 441 | 7058 |
3 | Kevin 'Jd' Statham | 73365114 | 16 | 399 | 6388 |
4 | Joe Farrell | 73371512 | 17 | 352 | 5988 |
5 | Charlie Boswell | 73372396 | 16 | 303 | 4848 |
6 | Alli 'The Animal' Keetley | 725072 | 16 | 297 | 4754 |
7 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford | 73355871 | 17 | 278 | 4730 |
8 | Paul 'GrandstandFinish' Lally | 705752 | 18 | 259 | 4664 |
9 | Mike 'riveroney' Moroney | 1008116 | 14 | 324 | 4538 |
10 | Michelle Tang | 1020784 | 15 | 285 | 4280 |
11 | Glyn Parker | 1002621 | 13 | 322 | 4190 |
12 | Dave 'Stubborn Twatt' Franklin | 695344 | 15 | 279 | 4184 |
13 | Dean Ferris | 73372649 | 15 | 255 | 3830 |
14 | Alan 'Beer Man' Franklin | 237237 | 14 | 245 | 3436 |
15 | Mike Murray | 1019326 | 10 | 325 | 3246 |
16 | Garry Lee | 1019729 | 17 | 185 | 3144 |
17 | josh Yewdale | 73372552 | 16 | 193 | 3094 |
18 | Ryan Whitehead | 1020355 | 18 | 162 | 2918 |
19 | Steven Fothergill | 1019165 | 12 | 240 | 2884 |
20 | Simon Holt | 1020354 | 14 | 181 | 2540 |
21 | Margaret Bagnall | 1017598 | 16 | 122 | 1956 |
22 | Sam 'Sammy G' Gandy | 715119 | 3 | 623 | 1870 |
23 | John 'Smart Mac' McGrory | 692324 | 10 | 172 | 1722 |
24 | Matt Partridge | 73373160 | 10 | 142 | 1416 |
25 | Paul Kelly | 1023396 | 12 | 109 | 1310 |
26 | Rob Walker | 73365877 | 2 | 595 | 1190 |
27 | Cordelia Giblin | 73365660 | 2 | 519 | 1038 |
28 | James 'Jimmy B' Bailey | 73373642 | 6 | 135 | 810 |
29 | David Quigley | 73371009 | 1 | 680 | 680 |
30 | John Yewdale | 73372553 | 6 | 80 | 480 |
31 | Brian 'Turbo' Giblin | 73357298 | 3 | 80 | 240 |
32 | Liam Boswell | 73372397 | 3 | 80 | 240 |
33 | George Beresford | 73370618 | 2 | 80 | 160 |
34 | Hardik Modha | 73365316 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
35 | Dylan Mckenny | 73373337 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
36 | Harrin Hallsworth | 73373347 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
37 | Julian James | 73370548 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
38 | Kristan Barrow | 73370289 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
39 | Elvis De-lossantos | 73369578 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
40 | Lewis Wright | 73373375 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
41 | Josh Thomas | 1019328 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
42 | Ged Carter | 73373651 | 1 | 80 | 80 |
To view this season's results for individual events at this venue, please select the event start date below:
Date | Time | Players | Winner |
02 January 2024 | 20:00 | 27 | Joe Farrell |
09 January 2024 | 20:00 | 28 | Sam 'Sammy G' Gandy |
16 January 2024 | 20:00 | 25 | Steven Fothergill |
23 January 2024 | 20:00 | 18 | Glyn Parker |
30 January 2024 | 20:00 | 20 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly |
06 February 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Paul 'MR AVERAGE' Kelly |
13 February 2024 | 20:00 | 20 | Daniel 'danny' Matthews |
20 February 2024 | 20:00 | 24 | Dave 'Stubborn Twatt' Franklin |
27 February 2024 | 20:00 | 22 | Mike Murray |
05 March 2024 | 20:00 | 24 | Dean Ferris |
12 March 2024 | 20:00 | 25 | josh Yewdale |
19 March 2024 | 20:00 | 25 | Daniel 'danny' Matthews |
26 March 2024 | 20:00 | 23 | Kevin 'Jd' Statham |
02 April 2024 | 20:00 | 19 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford |
09 April 2024 | 20:00 | 20 | Daniel 'danny' Matthews |
16 April 2024 | 20:00 | 17 | Alli 'The Animal' Keetley |
23 April 2024 | 20:00 | 16 | Michelle Tang |
30 April 2024 | 20:00 | 17 | Paul 'Shotgun' Berresford |
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Garricks Head (Tue)Moorside RoadFlixtonM41 5SHUpcoming Events:
Statistics for Garricks Head (Tue)
Venue Awards The Venue Shark award is presented to the player who achieves the highest average score in the current season, provided they have played at this venue in at least two thirds of the events in the current season: Venue Shark: Ryan Whitehead |
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Privacy & Anonymity
We value all our players and respect your privacy. If you wish to play anonymously and do not wish to have your name appearing on the league tables please let us know; however please remember that if your name does not appear, you will not be eligible to qualify for any regional or national events as we will be unable to confirm your identity.