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Rhodri 'Double Denim ' roberts

Player Profile

Rhodri 'Double Denim ' roberts

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Rhodri 'Double Denim ' roberts

Player Details:

Membership Number: 1009942

All-Time Statistics:

Times Played: 7
Points Total: 1,516
Average Score: 217

Venue History (The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV)):

Venue Event Points
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 12/09/2013 at 19:30 290
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 11/07/2013 at 19:30 316
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 04/07/2013 at 19:30 80
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 27/06/2013 at 19:30 230
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 20/06/2013 at 19:30 230
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 13/06/2013 at 19:30 80
The Conwy Falls Cafe (NLV) in Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed 06/06/2013 at 19:30 290

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