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Roger ''If you ask what i had i may or may not tell you...after a bit of pondering' ' Ho

Player Profile

Roger ''If you ask what i had i may or may not tell you...after a bit of pondering' ' Ho

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Roger ''If you ask what i had i may or may not tell you...after a bit of pondering' ' Ho

Player Details:

Membership Number: 677107
Home Town: Merseyside

All-Time Statistics:

Times Played: 53
Points Total: 16,186
Average Score: 305

Venue History (Grange (NLV)):

Venue Event Points
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 11/04/2010 at 20:00 330
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 25/10/2009 at 20:00 150
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 04/10/2009 at 20:00 430
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 09/08/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 19/07/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 28/06/2009 at 20:00 330
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 14/06/2009 at 20:00 162
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 31/05/2009 at 20:00 336
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 24/05/2009 at 20:00 228
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 17/05/2009 at 20:00 830
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 10/05/2009 at 20:00 264
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 03/05/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 05/04/2009 at 20:00 162
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 29/03/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 22/03/2009 at 20:00 282
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 15/03/2009 at 20:00 336
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 08/03/2009 at 20:00 336
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 01/03/2009 at 20:00 524
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 15/02/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 08/02/2009 at 20:00 370
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 01/02/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 25/01/2009 at 20:00 498
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 18/01/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 11/01/2009 at 20:00 80
Grange (NLV) in Moreton 04/01/2009 at 20:00 1050

Switch to this player's Overall History.

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