Cardiff & CF - Regional League Results

At the end of the season, the Top 10% of players in the Overall league, will also have qualified for the Regional Tournament. There are 54 players in this league for the current season, therefore 6 players will qualify

  Player # Played Ave. Total
1 Sue 'The Canoe' Jenkins 711813 32 282 9016
2 Donna Hannah 1019747 30 242 7256
3 Jonathan 'Beast ' Gould 692766 27 265 7156
4 Aaren 'Hobbity' Thomas 360257 15 466 6990
5 Paul Best 706791 32 210 6726
6 Tom White 700570 27 222 6000
7 Stephen 'Fez' Urrutia 357957 25 216 5396
8 Connor Daniels 1017373 21 252 5294
9 Craig 'The Moocher ' Palmer 7334610 15 320 4796
10 Maria Urrutia 676280 19 240 4552
11 Tracey 'Blob' Edwards 1015236 16 283 4524
12 John Velda 695046 16 280 4480
13 Ross 'Younger ' JOHN 73370557 16 242 3866
14 Ed 'Slowplay' Williams 691491 12 317 3802
15 Paul 'Possum' Gulley 1018592 15 253 3796
16 Kevan Regan 234810 14 250 3494
17 Steve 'The Doc' Matthews 7334604 12 274 3290
18 Chris 'Never on time' John 1008107 15 215 3220
19 Kevin 'Baby Guiness' Hughes 690864 16 189 3030
20 nathan 'waitrose' waite 73371581 5 527 2636
21 Heather Velda 697744 14 186 2608
22 Matt Shields 73373662 11 236 2594
23 Adam 'Ist sulky lunt' Nilsen 73372681 5 458 2290
24 Kim 'The Banker' Blakeman 680661 13 172 2242
25 Lorraine 'Best Wife' Bugler 73360482 12 187 2242
26 Nichola 'CRAZY FROG' Gould 7334608 5 398 1988
27 Josh Everett 73372748 10 184 1836
28 Ieuan Griffith 1021716 8 177 1418
29 Alan 'The Landlord' Lewis 1021687 10 137 1374
30 Tom 'SHIPS CAT' Evans 73355609 15 88 1318
31 Jake 'Babyface' Emmot 73370263 6 193 1160
32 Gareth Wood 695648 4 247 988
33 Amber 'Nice Nails ' Crossing 73371896 1 930 930
34 Jill Reid 1018585 4 229 914
35 Daniel 'Poker Bratt' Barclay 710750 2 385 770
36 Izzy 'Luck Monkey' Blackheart 73372318 6 128 770
37 matt Wintal 73374784 1 670 670
38 Robert 'Owl' Clough 1015242 2 316 632
39 Geoff 'Compo' Colley 7334612 1 630 630
40 Matthew Magrin 1019267 4 136 542
41 Catherine 'Catwen' Manders 1018591 1 470 470
42 Tony 'The Nun' Palmer 353772 1 420 420
43 Rhett Jones 689725 4 80 320
44 Alan Hood 1021738 2 109 218
45 Dave 'Silent ' Hill 73361886 1 186 186
46 Adam 'Cautious Caller ' John 73370528 1 180 180
47 Stuart 'Hot Tub' Jones 353795 2 80 160
48 Alex Collins 1019808 1 114 114
49 Cameron 'Beginner' Sultan 73373420 1 80 80
50 Matthew 'SLAB' WILTSHIRE 73373782 1 80 80
51 Donna Palmer 353774 1 80 80
52 Dan Gardener 73374026 1 80 80
53 Damien 'Bowler ' Jones 73374813 1 80 80
54 Sarah Edwards 706694 1 80 80