the nuts poker league
the biggest brand in pub poker

Event Results

Bluebell Inn (NLV)

Please find below event results for the live pub poker tournament held at Bluebell Inn (NLV) in Old St Mellons, Cardiff on 20 October 2009 at 19:30:

Event Statistics

Total Players: 26 - Prize Pool (1-8): 5200

  Player # Bonuses Points
1 Peter 'Easy P' James 235388 * 1590
2 Lee 'Thrush' Gardiner 668284 1040
3 Dean 'Top Turnover' Murray 235400 * 706
4 Leighton 'Oby 1' O'Brien 346444 * 550
5 Matthew Evans 360366 * 498
6 Leyton 'on the wire' Dyer 357964 * 394
7 Stephen 'Evo-stik' Evans 359208 * 342
8 Mark McGuire 691395 260
9 Paul 'Blackie' Blackmore 359188 * 80
10 Lloyd Broad 691390 50
11 Tom Doyle 235402 * 80
12 Lee 'FourKing' Blackmore 357975 * 80
13 Kirk Gardiner 668225 50
14 Paul Wallis 677985 50
15 Daniel Greedy 359192 50
16 Luke Graham 359976 * 80
17 Simon Wozencroft 235381 * 80
18 Lee Baxter 677984 50
19 Billy 'Bluffalo Bill' Blackmore 346472 * 80
20 Richard Taylor 675212 * 80
21 Glyn 'Mugsy' McGuire 669196 50
22 Paul Davies 668283 50
23 Jamie Gunning 691389 50
24 Luke Harvey 691391 50
25 David Bevan 235390 * 80
26 Michael 'EGGHEAD' Desmond 688245 50

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Privacy & Anonymity

We value all our players and respect your privacy. If you wish to play anonymously and do not wish to have your name appearing on the league tables please let us know; however please remember that if your name does not appear, you will not be eligible to qualify for any regional or national events as we will be unable to confirm your identity.